Tag Archives: hardware

Should small businesses use laptops or desktops?

As an entrepreneur, you often have to make choices that can either make or break your company. One such decision you have to make is whether to in desktops or laptops. Make the best choice by assessing the current situation and taking the following things into consideration. Portability The pandemic has driven the majority of […]

Security tips for businesses that use IoT devices

Internet of Things (IoT) devices are increasingly becoming a ubiquitous part of modern offices. Make sure that they don’t become entry points for hackers with the following tips. Set passwords Many users fail to realize that they can set passwords for IoT devices. Failing to do so makes their gadgets easy to hack. You have […]

Save on electricity with these PC tips

When it comes to saving energy, every little bit goes a long way. The more energy-efficient your PC habits, the more money you save. In fact, activating your PC’s power-saving features can save you up to $50 a year. And if you want to increase your savings even more, take note of the following tips. […]

BYOD and CYOD: What’s the difference?

Many of us are comfortable using computers and devices we’re familiar with. This is the reason companies are now offering their employees a bring your own device (BYOD) option. However, there’s a new concept that is also starting to catch on: choose your own device (CYOD). Below is a brief overview of BYOD and CYOD. […]

Choose the right computer for your company

Global commerce has opened a whole new world for owners of small- to mid-sized businesses (SMBs). It has never been easier to find customers for your products or services. But you still need the right tools to succeed. One such important tool is the computer. Which hardware is best for your SMB, a desktop or […]
